Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Keeping God in mind.

It’s not that there’s no God
It’s that there’s only God

I suppose one of the things that I have been wanting to say on here .. but haven't had enough time or clarity of thought (what with all the other blogs etc ) to do it .. is that so many people who read Tolle or "discover" non-duality or Advaita get into the idea that non-duality or unity is God .. and I would dispute that.
I believe that Unity is a quality of God, albeit perhaps the overriding most important and salient quality. However, I am sure that God is always greater and much more than our puny little minds can ever concieve of and that He is in fact defined by the fact that there is nothing like Him. He is unique.
Oneness is perhaps the nearest we can get to approximate a taste of Him .. but part of the reason why I call this site Theistic Non-duality is to emphasise that we must not "throw the baby out with the bath water" or throw the creator of the illusion out with the illusion ..
He did it after all and I am sure He alone really knows why !

1 comment:

  1. very intriguing..nice..thought provoking..would like to be a friend of urs..
