Wednesday, 11 March 2009

God in Darwin's bicentennial year.

It’s not that there’s no God
It’s that there’s only God

04.45. Hrs; 11th March 2009. Abbotts Wootton Cottage. Dorset.

The adhan just went off on the automated “Islamic Finder.” program .. wow! Somehow it is moving me again .. Maybe my mentation around the “Theistic Non-duality” site is bringing it home to me that I really do believe in God and a God that’s much more than just His unitarian aspect (although that is obviously the most salient important and defining one probably .. especially to humans and as a resolution for most, if not all, of their problems here on earth ... c.f. “Tawhid”).
Of course it makes me realise that Theistic Non-duality is a good description of what Sufism actually is .. with it’s goal of annihilation in Him ... c.f. the famous three steps .. Fana fi’l sheikh ... fanafi’Rasool and fanafi’llah or annihilation in the Sheikh, annihilation in the Prophet and annihilation in Allah. Wow! again.

I suppose some of my faith in God is being highlighted by all this stuff around Darwin this year (especially on the BBC in Britain at any rate .. I wonder how much that is occurring in other countries?) as if his theory could possibly negate the existence of Allah or God except for mindless idiots like Richard Dawkins. As it said on a message from my young daughter in Spanish .. “If God created me, he also created my theory.”Charles Darwin.
I don’t know if he actually said that .. but I know he believed in God and believed his theory to be adding to the perception of the greater glory of God. We don’t have to believe in the myth of Adam and Eve and that it actually happened like that (though it may well have done! and perhaps any intelligent person should keep their minds open to any possibilities .. like the phycisists who are now beginning to accept the theory of “multiple worlds” partly because they have to, as it is the only theory that can embrace all the known facts) .. who says that God could not create man through natural selection as the Archbishop of Canterbury has openly pointed out .. (I must say I tend not to believe that though, I really believe we are something quite seperate from apes and animals and a special creation .. and I tend to believe that something just doesn’t quite “sit right” with Darwin’s theory .. somehow something “smells” dodgy there .. and when self-satisfied idiots like Dawkins start to run with the ball in their smug and foolish ego-inflated way, then I start to get dead set against it .. !)
As I was saying all this Darwin consciousness and the idea that somehow that disproves the existence of God has highlighted and emphasised my belief in God .. and reminded me that not only is God far far greater than anything that man can concieve but, (and this is the dangerous part) that man has become so smug and self-satisfied with the little bits of knowledge that God has vouchsafed him, that he actually thinks that he can use his tiny mind and partial knowledge to disprove the existence of the very thing that brought him and all that he percieves, into existence!
What do we really know of before the “Big Bang” ? Interesting isn’t it, that when they use their huge computers and computer models to extrapolate backwards from what we know to that event ... they cannot go beyond a certain point .. albeit infinitessimally small, millionths of a second or whatever, but there, the maths just breaks down .. What did they think, that somehow they could “spy on God” that way ? .. I don’t think so ...

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